Sunday, June 05, 2005

Rock 'n' Roll

So.... The marathon was today. I'm sore and tired and elated that it's over. I feel like an 80-year old woman because I can't walk and my hips hurt like they've been beaten with a baseball bat. I finished about an hour over the time I wanted (7:01 vs 6:00) but who cares, I JUST COMPLETED A MARATHON! I would say "ran a marathon" but technically I only ran the first 7 - 10 miles, (mile 7-10 were a combination run/walk). After that my legs were ready to pop off so I walked the rest of the way. Who knew I could walk 4 miles an hour? Thankfully, I took tomorrow off from work. I don't think I could have walked up the stairs and might have been calling everyone to come bring me stuff. Or maybe I could have, somehow, gotten ahold of a wheelchair and got special elevator access to the second floor (the elevator is reserved for executives only, you get special access under special conditions). My massage at 2 tomorrow will feel lovely and I can't wait. The pain was worth it, but this is my first and last marathon.

I think I'm going to do a triathalon next...

p.s. Congrats to Team In Training for raising over $12 million for this event ($97.1 million since the inception of the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon). GO TEAM!


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