Sunday, March 20, 2005

Vegas amnesia

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas... Unless you're going there for a tradeshow, then no one cares. At least this time we're staying overnight. The whole fly-there-walk-a-tradeshow-all-day-then-fly-back thing wasn't working for me last year. Although, maybe this year my legs will feel better. I was really hoping I could hit the gym for at least a 1/2 hour on Monday night, but looking online, it doesn't look like the Rio has any type of workout facility. While public gyms aren't the best place to workout, at least it's a workout. I don't want to get out of my routine too much because it makes it that much harder to start again. I know, it's only two days, but still. Plus, we will be eating lots of food (all vendor supplied of course) so I'll be fighting that as well. Ah, the struggles of........well, me.

Anyway, still trying to ward off the IT Band demons and working every day on keeping it stretched and limber. I got some new running shoes this week, hopefully that will help. 9 miles on Saturday in 2 hours, almost to the second. I figure, if I can do 9 miles in 2 hours, then I can do 27 miles in 6 hours which is more than the marathon! Oh, I am so in this! :)

Until later.

p.s. Shout out to JZ. Yes, I just did a shout out...

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Is this what being an adult is like?

Yikes! It's been awhile... Training for a marathon, working full time and going to the gym 3 days a week (at least) takes it out of you! And it doesn't leave much time for socializing. I'm so amazed at what people have donated to my fundraising account. I'm well on my way, but definitely not there yet. I've still got a ways to go. What's crazy is that people I don't expect to donate, donate more than anyone! I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed up to this point. And an even bigger THANK YOU to those who haven't had a chance yet but plan on donating. Anyway, as it's 9 pm on Sunday, it's my bedtime (what an old lady!). Off to start another fulfilling week of being a grown up! :)

Until next time.