Monday, February 26, 2007

Falling hurts

Uhm, yes. In case you were wondering, falling on your bike hurts.

So, when I first started this adventure, someone mentioned, "Clipless pedals..." (side note - why are they "clipless" when in reality you actual CLIP into the pedal with a cleat on your shoe??) "...yeah, the first time I used them I fell on my bike." Not sure why, but the thought of falling on my bike had not entered my head up to that point. So, needless to say I was TERRIFIED to use clipless pedals. I tried them out at the gym a few times during spin class. Not so bad, but those bikes were not moving and do not have real wheels that I can fall off of...

So, the day came when I had to the group.....with my clipless pedals. Wouldn't you know it...? Within the first 2 minutes I was on the ground. Grrrr.... :) Well, at least I got it out of the way. They are actually amazing little things those clipless pedals. I can ride much faster and longer with them. The key is unclipping if there is even the inkling that you're stopping.

I would recommend them....with training.

Last ride was 30 miles! If I did that ride 3.5 times I'd be done with the century! I'll try to post pictures when I get some.

Oh! The fundraising site is up! Save your change...I've got a BIG goal this year. $4,000! Yeesh!

Talk at you later!


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