Monday, February 26, 2007

Falling hurts

Uhm, yes. In case you were wondering, falling on your bike hurts.

So, when I first started this adventure, someone mentioned, "Clipless pedals..." (side note - why are they "clipless" when in reality you actual CLIP into the pedal with a cleat on your shoe??) "...yeah, the first time I used them I fell on my bike." Not sure why, but the thought of falling on my bike had not entered my head up to that point. So, needless to say I was TERRIFIED to use clipless pedals. I tried them out at the gym a few times during spin class. Not so bad, but those bikes were not moving and do not have real wheels that I can fall off of...

So, the day came when I had to the group.....with my clipless pedals. Wouldn't you know it...? Within the first 2 minutes I was on the ground. Grrrr.... :) Well, at least I got it out of the way. They are actually amazing little things those clipless pedals. I can ride much faster and longer with them. The key is unclipping if there is even the inkling that you're stopping.

I would recommend them....with training.

Last ride was 30 miles! If I did that ride 3.5 times I'd be done with the century! I'll try to post pictures when I get some.

Oh! The fundraising site is up! Save your change...I've got a BIG goal this year. $4,000! Yeesh!

Talk at you later!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ooops, I did it again.

Yes, I signed up for another Team In Training event. This time it's a century bike ride called America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride. A century bike ride is 100 miles, but really, when I looked at the training schedule, our ride is 109 miles. Ok, ok...9 miles really doesn't seem like a whole lot, unless there are 100 more in front of them! Yeesh!

So this event has a more intense training schedule (all day every Saturday) and various days throughout the week with 1 rest day each week. Yeah... I know. Just a warning to those involved in my social life, as of today, I don't have one.

Today was our "Bike Expo" where we learn all about bikes. How to change a flat (not looking forward to using that knowledge), what type of clothes to wear (need those padded shorts!), nutrition, all the extra tools I need, etc. My biggest fear (that was non-existent until I heard about it) is falling from using the clip pedals. Those are the pedals that clip to the bottom of your shoe to maximize your energy. Problem is, newbies (like me) tend to get stuck in them the first few times because they're not used to them. Great...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the adventure (and the rockin' body at the end of this - hello 10 yr reunion!) and all it entails. I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Until next time...